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The Importance of updating your Technology

In any business, maintenance is key to longevity, accuracy and results. This also translates into your website, chosen software and existing technology stack. But if you want to build a new project or develop an existing website, you need to ensure both the client-side and server-side are continuously updated. So you can effectively interlace useful applications into your digital projects and build the applications you want to build. 

The definition of a technology stack is ‘the combination of programming languages, frameworks, and digital tools that developers use to build a web or mobile application with’. This varies for each business and is subjective to the determined project objectives. For example, a mobile application would primarily operate on an IOS and Android Server. Whereas bespoke web applications may use open-source operating systems, like Linux and ReactOS. 

If you’re planning to develop your next project, we recommend that you update your associated technologies so you can build the perfect application. Here are some reasons why you should upgrade your digital tools:

Better Security

Having an outdated system or software makes your website more vulnerable to cybercriminals, who could gain illegal access and cause a widespread online attack. Putting both your confidential business data and customer data at risk. With ever-increasing cyber tracks, sitting at 686,961 attempts in 2020, it’s more important than ever to keep all associated technologies secure. To do this make sure you have toggled on automatic updates and can manually see the latest software running on your website. Remember, keeping your technology updated means you have reliable security in place, reducing exploitable entry points in your organisation.  


In lieu of general updates and security patches to your business technology stack, they often vary with compatibility. For example, if new software updates are available they may not be compatible with other functions such as data servers and processors. However, they can also aid in this compatibility, with many softwares offering plugins with different applications to ensure your business can run smoothly. Offering better software stability and removing unnecessary, outdated features. If you want to update your systems, we recommend you consult with an IT professional to understand the best course of action for your business. 

Reduced Costs 

Although updating your technology may sound expensive, using older systems can be dearer as they often have more issues and glitches that have to be dealt with. This alongside unstable software, with increased vulnerability and manual effort needed for these to perform; make these a high-security risk for your business that eats away at your finances. A digital liability that could create damaging and long-lasting effects on your website, if not resolved quickly. When updating or purchasing new technology, make sure to conduct thorough research to find the most cost-effective and appropriate solution for your business. 

Increased Speed

Most website visitors expect businesses to have consistent high speeds on their websites, so they can quickly interact with your website navigation and easily find what they are searching for. With 40% of users abandoning a page that takes three or more seconds. Updating your technology stack streamlines website functionality, by reducing processing time and search term lag. This means that users are more likely to navigate around your website and conduct several wanted functions. Reducing the associated bounce rate because visitors found your content wasn’t loading fast enough. It also directly impacts SEO, with search engines like Google, favouring websites that have high speeds, low bounce rates and optimal dwell times. So more users can view and enjoy your website. 

Data Migration

Similar to increased compatibility, updating your systems and processors can streamline your data migration process. Data migration refers to the process of moving data from one system to another. This often includes cloud-based storage, backend infrastructure and transferring website content. Housing your data into a singular system for long periods, not only is a high-security risk, it will cause major difficulties when transferring data to a new processor. 

It also increases ‘data gravity’, the concept that larger datasets attract smaller datasets, creating micro-data that your business may not be aware of. When updating your technology, ensure you have a recent backup of all associated website data, providing a copy of your website in case essential content is corrupted or accidentally deleted. If you are considering a whole site migration, ensure you talk to SEO experts, so you develop a technically sound and functional website that meets all your business requirements and customer’s needs. 


To develop the best digital project and stay ahead of the competitor, you need to optimise your technology stack, tailoring it to your objectives and user requirements.

Our dedicated team can provide you with technical project consultancy and build bespoke back end solutions, so you can get the best results from your application. 

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  • Written by Jess Cory, October 26 2021